Keynote Speaker, Marketing Technologist, Columnist, Futurist, Smart Ass

Posts tagged baseball

Royals Baseball Playoff Run Rejuvenates Kansas City. #MLB #Royals

Royals Make Me Feel Twelve Again!

17178b_lgMan oh man!  To be a resident of the Kansas City area these last couple of weeks has been amazing.  It’s been like a dream. The whole Kansas City area is happy! Mizzou fans, Kansas Jayhawks fans, and KSU fans are all harmonious with one another in their KC Royals fandom.

The Royals have, as of right now, won 6 straight MLB playoff games this year. And dating back to 1985, they have won nine playoff games in a row. We are watching something historic, as the whole country has begun to love the formerly lovable losers, the KC Royals. We are winners now!

Starting out on Monday Night Football, I took my 12-year-old son to Arrowhead Stadium, September 29th, to see the Kansas City Chiefs take on the New England Patriots.

In that game, the Chiefs curb-stomped the Patriots.  I mean, they kicked the shit out of them 41-14.  That is an ass-whomping, if I’ve ever seen one.  Versus Gray Hoodie, Tom Brady and the Patriots? What? What?!  That’s unheard of.  Whoomp, There it is!





Travis Wright is a Venture Catalyst, Public Speaker, Digital Disrupter, Marketing Provocateur, Stand Up Comedian, Tech Blogger & Brand Awesomeizer.

This Travis Wright guy shares marketing resources, industry analysis, interwebs strategery & random hilarity along w/ occasional sport or political rants. If you can stand his jokes and want his opinion on something, feel free to connect with him.

email: tw [at] traviswright [dot] com