Keynote Speaker, Marketing Technologist, Columnist, Futurist, Smart Ass

About @teedubya

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Does your brand need some Awesomeization?

Travis Wright has been a forward-thinking interactive smartass and über Bullshittapotomus since 1996. He was a stand-up comedian and he thought needed to create a website to promote his career. He built his first website within the first 48 hours of ever being on a computer. He worked for Sprint during college and right out of college, Travis joined GTE Yellow Pages to consult with local business owners about their online and offline marketing. Realizing that most small business owners didn’t get it. He set out to educate them and help them gain internet “findability”.
Over the past 15 years, Travis has ran his own agency and created, co-developed, optimized, and helped market 100s of business websites, from small start-ups to mid-size businesses to Fortune 500 & Fortune 100 companies. From strategy to tactical execution, Travis creates marketing plans that deliver ROI.

He also developed his own custom SEO and Social Media training courses through Planet Ocean and Search Engine News.

Travis speaks at and enjoys industry conferences such as: SMX, ad:tech, Search Engine Strategies, SXSW, Social Media Strategies Summit and he has aspirations of speaking TED in the future.

Follow @teedubya for some additional golden nuggets and random industry awesome sauce.

@teedubya is:
*Social Media Crowdsourcerer
*Search Marketing Strategist
*Marketing Provocateur
*Business Blogger
*Strategic Thinker
*Internet Ninja
*Mobile Guru

“If there was a problem, YO! I’ll solve it.” – Vanilla Ice – Project Manager

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  1. May 11, 2013    

    TW– love your bio page. Mind if I steal parts of it for my own?

  2. Techinplain English's Gravatar Techinplain English
    March 27, 2015    

    Have a great weekend
    -Alex @ggsolutions123 on Twitter

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Travis Wright is a Venture Catalyst, Public Speaker, Digital Disrupter, Marketing Provocateur, Stand Up Comedian, Tech Blogger & Brand Awesomeizer.

This Travis Wright guy shares marketing resources, industry analysis, interwebs strategery & random hilarity along w/ occasional sport or political rants. If you can stand his jokes and want his opinion on something, feel free to connect with him.

email: tw [at] traviswright [dot] com