Keynote Speaker, Marketing Technologist, Columnist, Futurist, Smart Ass

Posts in category Comedy

Blown Away. My favorite show, Impractical Jokers, just sent me the Mother Lode of Swag Bags

IJI’m not a big TV guy.  However, I love comedy.  Laughing is my favorite thing aside from “bah chicka bah bah” time.  🙂 Having done improv and stand-up comedy since the mid-90s, it takes something special to get my seal of comedy approval.  And I can say, unequivocally, that Impractical Jokers is the funniest thing that I’ve ever seen.  I can’t even tell you what is second place.  Impractical Jokers is that funny.

So, whenever I happen to watch an episode, I’m always tweeting about how funny it was.

Why Weird Al is the King of Content & Social Media

When people ask, “Who are your favorite bands of all-time?” to people from my generation, you hear the usual suspects… The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, The Beastie Boys, Mötley Crüe, and Pearl Jam. Those are a few that I rattle off… and I typically forget Weird Al Yankovic. After hearing his latest album tonight and seeing how he continues to weave in relevant content pertaining to today’s trends is nothing short of amazing, I’ve recognized that he has an amazing way to stay relevant with his content.

I’m completely in awe in how he has launched his 14th studio album this week, Mandatory Fun, and has launched a video each day of this week, so far. And he is busting out 8 videos total in 8 days? That’s amazing! He is a content creation machine!

The social media buzz around Weird Al is exploding this week. According to the data that I pulled from BuzzSumo, Yankovic has had 1,605 articles written about him THIS WEEK. (This article is #1606)

Those 1605 articles, so far, have generated 1,605,689 shares. Shares. Not visitors, clicks or traffic. Shares. Weird Al owns social media this week. READ MORE »

Transformation from 24 Hour Fatness to Fitness – Lose 100 pounds in 12 Months.

Growing up, I was a bit of a chubby lad. But, once I discovered the ladies, I figured that I’d better get into good shape… so near the end of my junior year of high school, through the summer into my senior year, I dropped a lot of pounds with discipline and hard work. I became a very fit 180 lbs young man.

24HourFatnessI was successful in keeping the weight off for several years. Then, I got started working in the tech industry, sitting on my ass daily, got married… and BOOM the pounds came on in a fury. Over the next 15 years, I bet I’ve put on and lost over 400 pounds. I’d gain 25lbs, I’d lose 15. I’d gain 20 more, and then I’d lose 10. Then I’d go on a Mountain Dew addiction binge, and gain another 25 lbs… until now, where I’m near 300lbs. THREE. HUNDRED. POUNDS. That’s like five or six 3rd graders. READ MORE »

Funniest Vine Video Clips and Vine Comedians

Travis Wright VinePeople have been debating the virtues of Vine vs Instagram video, but they are missing the point. There really is room for both. Vine has created a whole new form of entertainment. People are tapping into their creative juices in ways never before displayed. Creating a Vine video is like creating a real-time gif with audio. It’s untapped hilarity.

Instagram is already an avenue to display photos and getting people to change their habits will be difficult. I, personally, love taking cool photos and editing them to upload on Instagram. My gallery is all photos that speak to me emotionally through the use of filters, colors and edits. I love using it for photography. I don’t want a lot of videos on my Instagram feed.



Travis Wright is a Venture Catalyst, Public Speaker, Digital Disrupter, Marketing Provocateur, Stand Up Comedian, Tech Blogger & Brand Awesomeizer.

This Travis Wright guy shares marketing resources, industry analysis, interwebs strategery & random hilarity along w/ occasional sport or political rants. If you can stand his jokes and want his opinion on something, feel free to connect with him.

email: tw [at] traviswright [dot] com