Keynote Speaker, Marketing Technologist, Columnist, Futurist, Smart Ass

Best Android Apps to Install on your New Android Phone

Screenshot_2013-02-22-11-50-23So Travis, why should we listen to you about which apps are the best Android apps to install on our new Android devices?

Well, good question. I got my first Android device when the original Motorola Droid came out. And since then, I’ve had a Samsung Charge, Samsung Galaxy SIII and now, I’m rocking the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Since this is my 4th Android device, let’s just say that I’ve had plenty of time to figure out which apps are a must to install when your get your phone and which apps you should probably pass on.

As a general rule of thumb, only download apps that have good reviews and comments. If an app has only 1,000 downloads… pass. There are many, many apps out there that have viruses, malware and madware on them. So, be smart and diligent when installing any Android apps. It’s a jungle out there. I’d definitely recommend checking into some mobile security for your Android device.

There are tons of sites that recommend Android games, but I won’t be doing that here.  I try not to waste much time playing games on video consoles or my phone. So here goes, 35 of the Best Android Apps!  Enjoy and please share! READ MORE »

The Kansas City Chiefs Twitter Case Study

Back in September, the Kansas City Chiefs had lost their opening game to the Atlanta Falcons by a wide margin. That evening, I was texting a buddy of mine that I’ve have known since 5th grade about how poor that the TW_tweetChiefs had been with the salary cap, and how cheap I was perceiving them to be. After the conversation, I tweeted out what I thought was a meaningless tweet rant about my perception of the situation.

“I’m not much of a @kcchiefs fan anymore. [Chiefs owner] Clark Hunt’s yearly 30m under the cap bullshit is unethical. Greedy bastard owners can F.O. cc @nfl”

Let’s just say… that tweet caused a bit of a social hoopla. 3 minutes after I sent that tweet… a Chiefs employee tweeted me a response via a private direct message. I then took a screencap of this message and shared it with the world. This triggered a chain reaction, in which the Chiefs blocked me on twitter, a top post on Reddit, many local and national interviews and a social media case study was created.

Social Media Stormgasms During Bad Weather, Big Events and Disasters

Screen Shot 2013-02-18 at 11.08.04 PMYesterday, Burger King’s Twitter account password was hacked. I was able to monitor it in near real time. WDAF Fox 4 in Kansas City was thinking of having me on as a social media strategist and interview me for my opinion of the Burger King… the producer nixed that story and wanted a story about social media and how it impacts people and the frenzy during bad storms and disasters. This is the video of my interview on the local Kansas City news station WDAF Fox 4.


The Hidden Benefits of the @BurgerKing Twitter Hack for Burger King

If you were watching the interwebs this morning, you may have heard that Anonymous hacked the official Burger King Twitter handle @BurgerKing and changed all of it’s branding to McDonald’s logos and imagery. This could be catastrophic for the agency or the BK Social Media team who manages these accounts.

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While I watched this play out in real time, I was astounded at the sheer velocity of growth that the @burgerking Twitter account was experiencing. From my estimation, @BurgerKing was at about 77,000 followers to start the day.

Once “Anonymous” hacked the profile due to an alleged “whopper123” password, the buzz started spreading, the amount of @burgerking twitter followers begin to grow.

Travis ‘Rides Bitch’ on a Big Wheel in Video Edited in Each of the Past 5 Decades.

Screen Shot 2013-02-18 at 2.18.45 AMI’m turning 40 in May and I have had no video footage of me as a little kid. My mom just gave me a Super 8mm tape a couple of weeks ago, of some footage that my grandparents had of my biological father holding me when I was 2 weeks old. Haven’t figured out where to go to get this footage converted yet. Yesterday, my Uncle Jeff sent me a Facebook message informing me of some some additional footage that he had of me as a little kid. Awesome news! And what’s really interesting to me about this footage is this footage has been edited every decade since the 70s… and transferred to many platforms.

The original was a Super 8MM movie shot in the 1970s. copied to VHS in the 1980s, copied to DVD in the 1990s, copied to Windows Media by DV camera, then converted to MPG in the 2000s. and my uncle sent it to me via a Facebook message attachment today. Here in the 2010s, I edited the .MPG in iMovie and did the voiceover with my Macbook Mic. And now it’s exported it to YouTube… This movie has been edited and stored on products and tools of Kodak, Microsoft, Sony, Apple and Google.


Verizon Early Upgrade for Samsung Note 2 is a Win for Amazon.

Let’s face it, gadgets make the world go around now. After all of my extensive research, it was time to upgrade my phone to the Samsung Galaxy Note II. I looked online at my Verizon Wireless account and noticed that on Feb 17th, my main line became eligible for the upgrade. I figured that I could use my charm and good looks to get the hook up and get my phone a week early. The following chain of events showcases how poorly different divisions of corporations speak with one another.

Samsung Galaxy Note II

First of all, I admit that I’m a geek. My line of work entails that I interact with technology, online, mobile, social, search… you name it. I need a phone that allows for effective multi-tasking.


Business Relationship Optimization – BRO!

Screen Shot 2013-02-10 at 12.14.44 PMIt’s no secret that the road between social media and SEO is becoming one connected entity that needs to be dealt with in an overarching content strategy. No more separate silos of operation, search and social is clearly now about relationships and the strategy behind building those business relationships.  I call this, “Business Relationship Optimization” or BRO.

Every person on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or Google+ has an audience. So, how can we identify the brightest thought leaders to connect with and how can we use these relationships to drive buzz, increase SEO back links and rankings, along with providing the search engines with strong social signals? These following tactics and resources will help you optimize these business relationships over time.  SEO is about your Bro’s.  It’s Brocial Media!  (Wait, that was horrible, wasn’t it?  let’s just roll with it.)


Trip to New Orleans for ESPN Next Superbowl Event

After 17 years of trying, Travis Wright finally owns

new-beginningI first got online in 1996, and immediately I saw the potential of owning the URL of my name, Travis Wright.  At that time, some other Travis Wright had owned and he would own it for the next 12 years.

When those 12 years were up, some cyber squatter bought it quickly and held onto it for a few years… Recently, I was able to purchase it from the domain broker.  After all of these years, I am finally the “REAL” Travis Wright.

The site is uploaded and ready to go. Still making some final tweaks to the site design. Thanks for embarking on this new journey with me!




Travis Wright is a Venture Catalyst, Public Speaker, Digital Disrupter, Marketing Provocateur, Stand Up Comedian, Tech Blogger & Brand Awesomeizer.

This Travis Wright guy shares marketing resources, industry analysis, interwebs strategery & random hilarity along w/ occasional sport or political rants. If you can stand his jokes and want his opinion on something, feel free to connect with him.

email: tw [at] traviswright [dot] com